Nah kat alkangu tausung su.
I throw a stick at the dog.
Le lance un palo al perro
6. post
7. log
8. planttree
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
Kuula baingbi yaakuru. Kuula nsuaaplangatkulu. Kat nsupaukatkulu, mutmutba taara aingu. Namangku, alpiaakama, mliima.
We cleaned the bush. We fell the trees, that's why it's a big open place. Now it's good for plant.
9. staff
Etnográfica: The general meaning is 'long and rigid', so it can be used for a lot of different objects.
Gramatical: From 'kaat'. Often pronounced with short vowel. Also used as a class marker in compound nouns : see '-kat'.
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