1. OBJ ,
[ESP] complemento
1. family,human father ,
[ESP] padre, papá
- Etnográfica:
An old word for "father" unknown to some nowadays.
Vieja palabra para referirse a "padre", desconocida por algunos hoy en día.
1. emot poor ,
[ESP] pobre Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
Dolfo abanga yaap aamlis aakulaalingatkulakari anaungi
Poor Dolfo's body is all spoiled (up),
2. unlucky , [ESP] desafortunado
1. food,plant squash, calabaza, ayote Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
Abiis kutkubisba. Ikaas nuknuknga. Yuup psutki kat pluuma. Abiis pwatpa u naasiiki.
The pumpkin is round. Its flesh is yellow. The inside seed white. I boil it with sugar.
Abiis seerini.
Pumpkin getting full/big.
- Etnográfica:
Not a common food for the Ramas.
No es una comida común para los Rama.
1. new ,
[ESP] nuevo Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
Naing nguu abiisa ma nipis batingi.
I want to show you my new house.
1. food,plant watermelon ,
[ESP] sandía Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
Abiis tataara tuktiinka, nsuut sabaa kwsi. pwatpa kwiskama.
When the watermelon is ripe, we eat it raw. It is sweet to eat.
Morfemas |
abiis |
tataara |
squash, calabaza, ayote |
very big |
1. space one side ,
[ESP] un lado
- Gramatical:
Sometimes used with '-ki' or '-ka'. Generally used with 'aik'.
1. space one side ,
[ESP] un lado
- Gramatical:
Can be pronounced 'abing kaik'.
1. nat. fire ,
[ESP] fuego
2. dom. firewood , [ESP] leña
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
Abung aungaik yukanaatingaakari.
Them sitting around the fire.
Abung kan kiing.
Put out the fire!
- Etnográfica:
Looking for, finding, "junking," transporting, and "busting" firewood is a never-ending, and hugely time and energy consuming chore. Most people still cook with firewood, which is not as readily available as before. Also, since it rains so much, keeping your firewood dry is also a chore, as is keeping it from being stolen. Men also sell firewood in Bluefields.
Buscar, encontrar, arreglar, transportar y “busting” leña es una tarea de nunca terminar, que consume una enorme cantidad de tiempo y energía. La mayoría de la gente todavía cocina con leña, que no es tan accesible como antes. Además, puesto que llueve mucho, mantener la leña seca es también un trabajo, así como almacenarla para que no se la roben. Los hombres venden leña en Bluefields.
1. artef.,cooking,dom. matches ,
[ESP] fósforos Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
Kruubu siksiknga ning kruubu tuk suma usru ikuuka imalngi ikwisatkulu yaap parnga pluuma.
This tiger has a long tail. When he catch a chicken, he kill it and eat it up. His body is black and white.
- Etnográfica:
Matches have to be bought and kept dry. New fires are generally started with matches and diesel or kerosene. A few carry disposable lighters. If you have no matches and diesel or kerosene, you might ask someone to borrow a "piece of fire," i.e., a piece of burning wood or coal. Some still cook traditionally with three big logs on the floor whose ends are shoved together and kindling put in the middle, and then a new fire is lit. Once lit, if you have a good type of wood such as siin or kaliiba, you can pull the logs apart after you are done cooking, and they will still be hot enough to "catch fire" the next day. Hardened rubber sap is an instant fire starter......as long as you have a match (but you don't need diesel.)
Los fósforos deben comprarse y mantenerse secos. El fuego se enciende, generalmente, con fósforos y diesel o kerosene. Algunos tienen encendedores. Si no tenés ni fósforos ni diesel o kerosene, podés pedir prestado un “pedazo de fuego”, i.e., un pedazo de leña o carbón encendido. Algunos aún cocinan de manera tradicional, con tres troncos en el suelo cuyas extremidades juntan y colocan delicadamente en medio, así encienden el fuego. Una vez encendido, si tenés un buen tipo de leña como el siin o kaliiba, podés separar los troncos una vez terminás de cocinar y continuarán suficientemente calientes como para “prender fuego” al día siguiente. La savia de hule endurecida es un encendedor de fuego instantáneo…mientras tengás fósforos (no necesitás tener diesel).
1. cooking,dom.,plant firewood Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
Ikuubli kat ngaraak suulaik aakari. Yaalistingka, abungkat mliima.
There is plenty of milky tree in the bush. When it is dry, it is good firewood.
- Gramatical:
With the class marker 'kat' for longish shapes.
1. cooking charcoal Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
abungkis yunsungiaakama
for hold coals with it
- Etnográfica:
If your fire is out and you don't have matches, if another house is close enough, you will probably go, or send a child to go, and ask for a "piece of fire," meaning a small burning piece of wood.
Si el fuego se te apaga y no tenés fósforos, y si la siguiente casa está suficientemente cerca, podés probablemente ir o mandar a un niño y pedir “un pedazo de fuego”, es decir, un pequeño pedazo de leña encendida.
1. dom.,plant,tree charcoal Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
Abung krus kunkuni.
The coal is blazing.
- Etnográfica:
A non-traditional money-generating item, and Ramas themselves cook with wood. They make their charcoal from the ibu tree which is a hardwood and therefore better quality than what the Spaniards make and use. As of 2008, though, Spaniards were also burning iibu trees to make coal. The result is too many iibu trees being felled, to the detriment of the environment, to the animals that depend on the seed for food (e.g., macaws, givenots), and to people who harvest the seed to eat to make other food products.
Un producto no tradicional para obtener ingresos, los Ramas cocinan con leña. Ellos hacen el carbón del iibu, un árbol de madera dura y por tanto de mejor calidad que el carbón que hacen y usan los españoles. Pero, para el 2008, los españoles también estaban quemando iibu para hacer carbón. El resultado es muchos árboles de iibu cortados, para el detrimento del medio ambiente, de los animales que dependen de sus semillas como alimento (e.g. papagayo, givenot) y para las personas que cosechan la semilla para comer o para hacer otros productos alimenticios.
1. animal,food fire honey Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
Abung puupu yuut nupisba. Ngalaali pwatpa yuungi. Yirii ki kat aap su yuungi.
The abung puupu bee is brown. It makes sweet honey. It makes it in the trees in the swamp.
- Etnográfica:
Not as sweet as other honey.
No es tan dulce como otras mieles.
1. cooking ash
Morfemas |
abung |
plung |
firewood |
ash |
leña |
- Etnográfica:
You can wash pots with ashes in the bush when you don't have soap.
Podés lavar las porras con ceniza cuando no tenés jabón.
1. toponomy,water sp. Cano Azul (no Engl name)
- Etnográfica:
Only Rama Cay people know it. literally it means fire(honey) creek.
Sólo la gente de Rama Cay lo conoce. Significa, literalmente, caño/ crike fuego (miel). - Léxica:
Abungpuupu means fire bea (if used with uut for the bea), ri is for creeks
1. animal,insect grey honey bee Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
Abung puupu yuut nupisba. Ngalaali pwatpa yuungi. Yirii ki kat aap su yuungi.
The abung puupu bee is brown. It makes sweet honey. It makes it in the trees in the swamp.
Morfemas |
abung |
puupu |
uut |
fire |
puupu |
bug |
fuego |
- Etnográfica:
Everybody knows this one. Sometimes described as big grey bee and sometimes as big grey and brown.
Todos la conocen. Algunas veces es descrita como una gran abeja gris y algunas veces como ceniza y café. - Léxica:
Can also be 'abung puupu' alone.
1. plant green wood
Morfemas |
abung |
sabaa |
firewood |
raw |
leña |
- Etnográfica:
This refers to firewood that has recently been cut and is not dry enough to start fire with. Some trees, such as "paullood," and red mangrove can burn when "green" if you mix them with other kinds of wood which "burn hot" such as iibu, swampwood, sleeping, kraabu or jug. White mangrove can burn by itself even when green.
Se refiere a la leña que ha sido recientemente cortada y no está suficientemente seca como para encender el fuego. Algunos árboles, como el “paullood” y el manglar rojo pueden encenderse cuando están “verde” si los mezclas con otros tipos de madera que “queman caliente”como el iibu, swampwood, sleeping, kraabu o jug. El manglar balnco puede quemar por sí solo aun cuando está verde.
1. cooking fire smoke Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
Abung sawa tarkali.
Fire smoke come out.
Morfemas |
abung |
sawa |
firewood |
smoke |
leña |
- Etnográfica:
Since they cook primarily with firewood, and in the house, the smoke has the benefit of helping to keep down mosquitoes in the house somewhat, but on the other hand, over time is detrimental to the eyes and lungs, especially if there is also smoke from diesel-burning bottle or can lamps which are burned for light. This is even worse in houses with zinc on both the roof and one or more sides.
Puesto que los Ramas cocinan fundamentalmente con leña, y en la casa, el humo tiene el beneficio de ahuyentar los mosquitos dentro de casa, pero, por el otro lado, con el paso del tiempo es perjudicial para los ojos y los pulmones, especialmente si también hay humo de botellas de diesel o lámparas que se queman para obtener luz. Esto es aún peor en las casas con zinc tanto en el techo como en uno o más costados.
1. Adam
- Etnográfica:
Heroic mythical figure comprised of traits from Christianity and pre-Christian beliefs. Tales of his exploits are known as the "Adam stories".
Figura heroica mítica conformada con elementos de las creencias cristianas y pre-cristianas. Los cuentos de sus hazañas son conocidos como “las historias de Adam”.
1. artef.,palm,plant
- Etnográfica:
This is a palm in the bush whose leaves are said to have been used by Adam as a bed.
Esta es una palma en los arbustos, de la cual se dice sus hojas fueron usadas como cama por Adam.
1. food,plant corn ,
[ESP] maíz Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
Ai tarkitka, nipiai.
When the corn sprout, I plant it.
Ai ngaling su naamaiki, ingulung nuungkama.
I rub the corn on the rock to make flour.
- Etnográfica:
They feed it to the chickens and hogs, make tamales ( usually only young corn tamales with coconut milk), porridge (corn pop in Kriol) and posol with it. Not a dietary staple, and not usually eaten roasted, or ground as hard corn for Spanish-style tortillas. Sold in Bluefields.
Noted in 2009 that the few spider monkeys left upriver in Cane Creek were eating corn due to habitat destruction, something unheard of previously.
1. food 1. corn porridge 2. corn soup ,
[ESP] 1. atol de maíz 2. sopa de maíz
Morfemas |
ai |
airi |
corn |
soup |
maíz |
sopa |
- Etnográfica:
Can be one of two corn dishes. Corn pop is made by grinding boiled corn (either fresh corn or hard corn) and adding coconut milk. (Usually ground in a hand mill these days). Then, you can either add salt for ai airi supkaaba (sour pop), or sugar for ai airi pulkaaba (sweet pop). Watery ('airi') corn soup is made from either fresh or hard corn boiled and then served with either salt or sugar. More likely to be pop unless no mill at hand, or do not want to take the time to grind the corn.
1. body,plant corn cob ,
[ESP] Mazorca
Morfemas |
ai |
kaat |
corn |
stick |
maíz |
- Etnográfica:
It is believed that burning the corn cobs and husks after you have shelled the corn is bad luck for the following harvest. However, some will burn them when they are out of firewood. They are supposed to be thrown away in the bush, but such disposal is getting harder since they are planting so much more corn (2009). - Gramatical:
Not to be confused with 'aikat' (cane).
1. food,plant sugar cane ,
[ESP] Cana de azucar Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
Ngarang ki maakuru? Aikat taalingi naakru.
Where were you? I was in between the cane.
2. plant cane
- Etnográfica:
Any kind of edible cane but there are a number of different kinds. Usually mashed by hand in a homemade wooden press and strained through a skomfra cap (part of the skomfra palm that resembles a brown strainer) to extract the juice. Makes a very refreshing drink, especially when lime juice is squeezed into it. Used also to make alcoholic drinks. Also chewed on to suck the sweet juice, especially if you can't, or don't want to press it. - Léxica:
Not to be confounded with 'ai kaat' (corn cob). 'aikat' is also used as generic name for canes.
1. toponomy,water Cane Creek
Morfemas |
aikat |
aing |
sikwiik |
sugar cane |
of |
Cana de azucar |
- Etnográfica:
Part of the more traditional Rama territory, many speakers used to have their farm up this creek. However, the traditional Rama name for this place is Auma Rii, "Tiger Creek." No tigers left as of 2008. - Gramatical:
The word for creek has variations, with short and long vowels.