
Mostrando 23 palabras para el campo semantico: breadkind

belplan pronunciación

I. N

1. bread,food,plant 100 finger banana


  • Etnográfica:
    You eat this one ripe, not cooked. Also called manzana banana and 100 finger banana.

    Lo comés crudo, no cocinado. También se le llama banano manzano o banano 100 dedos
  • Léxica:
    No idea of the origin of the word. Belplan is considered both Kriol and Rama word.

    Se desconoce el origen de la palabra. Belplan es considerada una palabra tanto Kriol como Rama


I. N

1. bread,food small variety of banana


  • Etnográfica:
    This is a smallish banana, very tasty when ripe.
  • Léxica:
    See belplan.

iraa pronunciación

I. N

1. bread,food,plant breadkind
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Yiraa pranti iraa bredfruut yiraa samuu iraa iik iraa kangkaraup iraa isup iraa bantingi.
    I want cooked breadkind: plantain, breadfruit, banana, cassava, costo, coco.
  • Nsut iraa u alaungi nuunik ui nsut iraa baalpi traali alaungkama salpka u.
    We cook with breadkind. Every day we look for breadkind to cook with fish.


  • Etnográfica:
    The original food of the Ramas. Old time people ate mostly breadkind, and Cane Creek people did not eat as much fish and meat as Rama Cay people. Ruben Wilson ate only roasted kosto bananas.
    Breadkind is a starchy vegetable as main dish or to accompany main dish, includes cassava, green banana, plantain, dasheen, coco, breadfruit, yams, sweet potato.
  • Léxica:
    Generic for breadkind, an essential food of the Ramas. See also urnga.


I. N

1. bread,food dried green banana


  • Etnográfica:
    Dried green banana ground up for pop.
  • Léxica:
    See also 'tuulis' for another pop.


I. N

1. bread,food,plant plantain wabul
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Praanti misla yiriima uung.
    Make the plantain wabul thin!


  • Etnográfica:
    You boil the plantain, pour off the water, mash it with the wabul stick and pour in coconut milk. You can make it with green plantains or ripe plantains. If it is green plantain wabul you might throw in oysters, cockles, or ahi. Ripe plantain is sweet.
    Se hirve el plátano, se escurre el agua, se machaca con el palo para hacer wabul y se le agrega leche de coco. Se puede hacer con plátanos verdes o maduros. Si es con verdes se le puede agregar ostras o almejas. El plátano maduro es dulce.
  • Léxica:
    Borrowed from Miskitu.


I. N

1. bread,food,plant patriot banana
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Paatrut seerinka nsut angtki naingkarka laap nsuungi naingkarka tuktinka abung ki nsuauki naingkarka nsukwsi.
    When the patriot banana is full, we cut it and we make wabul. When it is ripe we put it in the fire to roast and we eat it.


  • Etnográfica:
    Real big banana, bigger than the 'Yucatan banana'. It cooks soft.
  • Léxica:
    See also 'yukatan' (Yucatan banana). see also 'samuu aingwa'.


I. ?

1. plantain


1. bread,food,plant plantain
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Pranti ungi nsupauksu nsuaasiki. Yaltingka laap nsuungi. Kukunup arii kinsukai.
    We put plantain in the pot and we boil it. When it is cooked, we make the wabul. We put coconut milk in it.
  • Sii su naing praanti tangaangu nikuaakari.
    I have my plantain plantation in the river.


  • Etnográfica:
    A preferred breadkind to eat. Eaten green and ripe in coconut porridges both sweetened and unsweetened, in rondon, roasted (ripe), and less frequently fried (green). The latter is the common Mestizo form of preparation. As of 2008 not as prevalent due to disease, replaced largely by the "filipito" banana, which was introduced after the hurricane.
  • Gramatical:
    Borrowing from English (plantain).

praanti almuumu

I. N

1. body,bread,plant bosome plantain
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • 'Almuumu' nsut aungi praanti puksak taktingimaka.
    "We say ""bosome"" when two plantains peg together."


praanti almuumu
plantain joined

praanti laap

I. N

1. bread,food plantain wabul
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Yupyuwadut 'sunukba' aungi. Nsut 'pranti laap' aungi ning namangku.
    The old people say `sunukba'. We say `pranti laap' now.



samuu aingwa

I. N

1. bread,food,plant real banana
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Samuu aingwa yuuk palplaas altangi.
    the real banana, its skin/peel looks dark


  • Léxica:
    real banana meaning the big ones that cook soft

samuu brup

I. N

1. bread,food,plant greytown banana
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Samuu brup seerinka nangkti, naingkarka nikai tuktinkama. Naingkarka laap yuniuungi, taimka swiin yuniuungi. Tuktinka pwatpa, tkukiba aingwa.
    when the greytown banana is full I cut it and I put it up to ripen. Then I make wabul with it, sometimes I make bread with it. When it is ripe it is sweet and very short.


  • Etnográfica:
    A small banana which is commonly grown and sold in Bluefields. As of 2008, "real" bananas increasingly scarce.
  • Léxica:
    Has many other names: punga, tika, greytown, rosita. Punga is from Misk. Rosita relatively new (2008), probably brought in by Sp.

samuu kaat

I. N

1. bread,food,fruit,plant banana sucker


  • Etnográfica:
    The suckers are the new plants that shoot up around the banana tree. You dig these out and carry them to plant new trees.

samuu pluuma

I. N

1. bread,food,plant white banana


. [KRI] white G , [RCK] white G


  • Etnográfica:
    'Real old time white banana'.
  • Léxica:
    not the same as the 'patriut'.

samuu saala

I. N

1. bread,food,plant red banana


samuu salaa
banana red


  • Etnográfica:
    An old times Rama banana, more common in the southern communities (but even there not very common as of 2008). Stout medium size banana (as the 'sammu pluuma). Not usually cooked "green" as breadkind. Can be eaten raw when ripe, but usually cooked by roasting. Sometimes they drink chocolate accompanied by roasted ripe red bananas.


I. N

1. bread,food,plant unidentified swamp plant, a vine
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Samuusamuu suupa isii. Uup yirii ki yaapuni.
    The sprickle banana (not a banana!) looks like supa. It grows in the swamp.
  • Samuusamuu kat aalukwa. yupyuwadut kwsi. Anaasiki, ankwsi. samuusamuu kaa seem kiup isii yaungai.
    This swamp tree has prickles. The old time people eat the seed. They boil it and eat it. The leaf of the swamp prickle tree look like a heart.



  • Etnográfica:
    Original first time Rama breadkind. Some of the Ramas occasionally still eat it.It grows on a swamp tree with prickles. The starchy edible seed looks like a chesnut; it is boiled and peeled to be eaten. Tastes like castana (Sp.)
  • Gramatical:
  • Léxica:
    'samuu' by itself means banana, the reduplication refers to a breadkind chesnut like seed.


I. N

1. bread,food,plant 500 plantain
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Yupyuwalut aakrikurkaing sibalbla ankuaakari, kuni laap antukkama, barka yalamsukatkulu. Angka saapi.
    Old time people have this plantain to make wabul, but it got lost (loss up). We kyan find it.
  • Siibalbal pranti saina barka yuup ngaarak ikuaakari. Taisung hundred kwikistar ikuaakar. seerinka angka sangking yaubri baingi. Nangtikka tuktinkama nikai, naingkarka laap yuniuungi.
    the 500 seed plantain is another plantain but it has many seeds. Sometimes it has 500. When it is full we can't back it, it's too heavy. When we cut it we put it to ripen and make wabul with it.


  • Etnográfica:
    Usually called quinientos plantain. It's not known when bananas and plantain, and which varieties, first came into Rama culture. Likewise, it's not known which ones were lost due to disease, or whether some that they say are lost might still be around somewhere.
  • Léxica:
    Seed here means individual fruits.
    Also "siibalbala."


I. N

1. bread,food ripe plantain wabul


  • Etnográfica:
    Not really considered breadkind but food made of plantain. This is a ripe plantain 'laap' (a porridge).
  • Léxica:
    One of the kinds of 'laap' (porridge). There is also green plantain 'laap'.

suula aat

I. N

1. bread,food unidentified tuber


  • Etnográfica:
    Literally "deer eggs" Yampi is a purple kind of slightly sweet, dry potato; there are lighter and darker varieties. More common farther north on the coast. Not grown by many Rama, but known and eaten time to time.
  • Léxica:
    Also "suula yaat."


I. N

1. bread,food,plant bat nose plantain
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Taikupkupba pranti saina. Itaangup singaring taik isii yaltangi. Nkim nuunik naing pranti alamskwu. Angka saung ngar ki aakiri.
    the bat nose plantain is another plantain. Its navel (banana part) looks like a bat's nose. Today this plantain is lost. We don't know where it is.


taik tkuptkupba
nose knotty


  • Gramatical:
    A shortened form of a compound 'taik+tkuptkupba'


I. N

1. bread,food,plant yellow plantain
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Tiirbi pranti ikaa nuknuknga yuup nuknuknga yuup tkukiiba aatiiskiba.
    The yellow plantain has yellow leaf and yellow fruit. The fruit is short and stout.


  • Etnográfica:
    Called in Kriol 'maiden plaan' (short for plantain). It is squarish and pinkish inside. Eaten cooked.
  • Léxica:
    Possibly the older Rama word for a native banana. Used later for imported plantains, also called praanti.


I. N

1. bread,food dried ripe banana
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Samuu pranti tuktiinma ngang uruk su nsut kai sut aliskiingi abung uruk su yatkutka tuulis yaak nsut aungi.
    Ripe banana or plantain we put on the tapesco. We dry it on the fire. When it is done we call it 'tuulis'.


  • Etnográfica:
    The closest they used to have to flour, used to make traditional pop with it.
  • Léxica:
    Borrowing from Miskitu 'tuulis' which refers to a different banana preparation.


I. N

1. bread,food,plant small banana


  • Etnográfica:
    Very tiny banana found in Cane Creek.
    Banano bien pequeño que se encuentra en Cane Creek.
  • Gramatical:


I. N

1. bread,food,plant Yucatan banana


  • Etnográfica:
    The Yucatan banana is smaller than the patriut banana, but also cooks soft.
    Probably a variety of banana brought in by banana companies.
    El banano Yucatan es mas pequeno que el banano patriota, pero tambien se asuaviza al cocinar. Probablemente es una variedad de banano traida por las companias bananeras.
  • Léxica:
    Borrowing from English/Spanish (Yucatan). See also 'paatrut'.
    Prestamo del Ingles y Espanol (Yucatan). Ver tambien "paatrut".