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1. space from


  • Gramatical:
    Long independent form of '-ka' when in final position.


I. V

1. fishing,hunting strike

2. fishing,hunting shoot


  • Gramatical:
    Transitive. In relation with the verbs 'alkang' (to throw) and 'aakang' (to stuff, to shut) although there is no relation transitivity/intransitivity between them.

kangali pronunciación

I. N

1. animal,body,human breast , [ESP] pecho
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kwerku tiiskiba sui kangali yairung aap ki.
    The baby pig sucks on its mama tit
    El cerdito chupa la teta de su mama.

kangali arii

I. N

2. body,food milk , [ESP] leche materna
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Biip kangali arii pluuma.
    The cow milk is white.
    La leche de vaca es blanca.


kangali arii
breast liquid
pecho Liquido


  • Etnográfica:
    A Rama Cay belief is that women who pick oysters in cold water and then nurse their baby will give their baby a cold.

kangali ngalaa uut

I. N

1. animal,insect sour honey bee , [ESP] Miel amarga
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kalngalauut, ngalaali uut supkaaba, kangali ngalaa uut.
    sour honey bee


I. N

1. human young man

2. human boy

3. struck


I. N

1. human young man


  • Gramatical:


I. N

1. artef.,house fire fan




  • Etnográfica:
    This is the feathered wing of a curassow, used as a fire fan.
    An older belief was that as part of the snake bite treatment this fire fan was hung over the bed of the victim. If it swang the person would recover, and if it remained still the person was doomed.
  • Gramatical:
    The word ends with the classifying suffix '-up' for roundish objects.

kangkaraup pronunciación

I. N

1. food,plant kind of banana


  • Etnográfica:
    A kind of banana, of kind of squarish shape. Should be cooked to be eaten.
  • Gramatical:
    With class marker '-up' for roundish shapes.
    Also called cosco.
  • Léxica:
    in Rama Cay Creole, called kosko on Rama Cay and kosto further south. In Bluefields you hear both.


I. N

2. animal,shellfish conch


  • Etnográfica:
    In olden days, they used to use conch to call people.


I. N

1. animal,fish shark , [ESP] Tiburón
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kanik suknguang traali tauli skaik.
    The small shark walks at the edge of the ocean.
    El tiburón pequeño camina en la orilla del mar.
  • Uut ki aakustanik kaniik ma kwsuting.
    To be in a dory is dangerous. The shark might eat you.



  • Etnográfica:
    There used to be a lot of sharks around Cane Creek but the Japanese came and caught huge numbers of them, cutting off the fins and throwing the bodies back into the water. Sharks are a concern even up in the creeks such as Tursuani.
    They used to use shark teeth as arrow tips (see 'kartuk kaniik siikwa').
    As of 2008, additional commercial fishing of sharks and sawfish, especially for the fins for export, had further reduced their numbers (and the size of those caught, as could be determined by the size of the fins seen drying in Bluefields)) so that they were no longer as serious a concern for seagoing dories as before.
    Solía haber muchos tiburones cerca de Cane Creek pero llegaron los japoneses y los capturaron en gran cantidad, les cortaban las aletas y tiraban los cuerpos de vuelta al agua. Los tiburones son una preocupación, aun en los criques de arriba como Tursuani. Se acostumbraba utilizar los dientes de tiburón para hacer puntas de flecha ('kartuk kaniik siikwa'). Desde el 2008, la presencia de otros pescadores comerciantes de aleta de tiburón y pez sierra han reducido aún más su número (y el tamaño de lo que capturan, como puede determinarse por el tamaño de las aletas que pueden verse secando en Bluefields), los tiburones ya no son un problema serio, como antes, para los marineros yendo en cayucos al mar.

kaniik saala pronunciación

I. N

1. animal,fish Hammerhead shark

kaniik siksiknga pronunciación

I. N

1. animal,fish Tiger Shark


  • Etnográfica:
    Tiger sharks were previously seen and feared, and there was oe that hung around Monkey Point Harbor for years, but was most likely caught as part of the ongoing decimation for commercial purposes, mostly for the fins.
    Al menos hasta los años ochenta había un tiburón grande cerca de Monkey Point. Los tiburones tigres pueden ser enormes, 16-18 pies de largo, y son siempre una preocupación para la gente remando en cayucos, especialmente en el mar. En 2008 dijeron que ya no existia el peligro que antes. Se dice que el tiburón tigre persigue a los cayucos.
  • Léxica:
    See also "kaniik taara." This literally means big shark, which can refer to any large shark, of which the tiger shark is proabaly the biggest in the area. Some prefer to denote the tiger shark by its "speckles."
    Algunos hablantes llaman “kaniik taara” al tiburón tigre. Es el tiburón más grande de la región, pero algunos hablantes prefieren decir “siksiknga” por las manchitas que este tiburón tigre lleva en su cuerpo, y dicen que “kaniik taara” puede referirse a cualquier tiburón grande.

kaniik taara pronunciación

I. N

1. animal,fish tiger shark
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kaulingdut altawai kanik taara ansungka. Muu yaasaulingi anaungi.
    People are afraid when they see the big shark. It fights with you they say.


kaniik taara
shark big


  • Etnográfica:
    There was a big one living around Monkey Point until at least some time in the 80s. Tiger sharks can be enormous, 16-18 feet long, and are always a concern for people paddling in dories, especially in the sea. However, as of 2008, heavy commercial fishing targeting sharks and sawfish for their fins (for export) has decimated their numbers.
    Al menos hasta los años ochenta había un tiburón grande cerca de Monkey Point. Los tiburones tigres pueden ser enormes, 16-18 pies de largo, y son siempre una preocupación para la gente remando en cayucos, especialmente en el mar, aunque desde el 2008 se reconoce que este peligro ha disminuido grandemente. Sin embargo, la pesca comercial excesiva enfocada en las aletas de tiburones y pez sierra (para exportación) ha diezmado su número.


I. N

2. animal,reptile white-lipped mud turtle
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kaniinis kauling aa kwsi. Aamliika imaali. Wakling bii kwsi.
    People don't eat shankwa turtle. It smells bad. Only the white face monkey eats it.


  • Etnográfica:
    They don't eat this kind of turtle but the Miskitu do.
  • Léxica:
    Borrowed from Miskitu


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kanik pronunciación

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I. V

1. extinguished


I. V

1. cooking fry


  • Etnográfica:
    Rama Cay people fry more food than people down in the bush. They use coconut oil as the most common oil to fry in.



1. cooking fried


kans ima
fry participle


  • Etnográfica:
    They fry fish, flour "tortillas," ripe and green plantain, green breadfruit, occasionally boiled cassava, sometimes beans, occasionally chicken eggs. Coconut oil preferred. Meat such as turtle, wari in its own oil. Iibo oil also used by some to fry food.


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I. N

1. animal,frog Cane Toad


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I. N

1. animal,insect blanket lice



  • Etnográfica:
    Called 'chings' in Kriol


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kariiri pronunciación

I. N

1. plant wild cane

2. artef. large arrow shaft

3. artef.,hunting arrow


  • Etnográfica:
    The cane and the arrow have the same name. The arrow is made of cane, this one used to kill large animals generally.
  • Gramatical:
    Used as the generic name for arrows. Has a variant form 'kriiri'.


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  • Etnográfica:
    A shortish plant by watersides that resembles a shorter version of "kartuk." No known uses, whereas "kartuk" is used for making implements such as arrows.



1. space out from


I. N

1. mythical being


  • Etnográfica:
    This is a man in the bush sitting on a big rock. You have to dream him before you can find him. When you hear him groan, go put your arms around him, even his big, long beard, and hold him. Then he will tell you to bathe and comb him. Do it and don't be afraid, or you die. If you do as you should, then you will be a big strong man, and nothing can hurt you; guns can't shoot you. Don't tell anybody, though.


I. N

1. animal,bird grass bird